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Minutes of the 247th Meeting of the University Council held on 17 December 1997.

                                 Dr S C Miller                                      
            Mr. H. Barber (ab)                 Professor D.J. Hourston           
            Mr. G. Barfield                    Professor M. Hutchinson (ab)      
            Mr. J.B.C. Blood                   Mr. M. Joyce                      
            Mr. R.H. Boissier                  Mr. E.O. Maxwell                  
            Dr. W.R. Bowman                    Professor R. McCaffer             
            Dr. T.G.M. Brooks                  Mr. A. Milne                      
            Professor L.M. Cantor              Mr. M. Moghal (ab)                
            Professor S.J. Cox                 Professor I.C. Morison            
            Professor J.V. Dawkins             Mr. W.M. Moss                     
            Dr. A.M. Duncan                    Mr. D'A.T.N. Payne                
            Dr. D.W. Edwards                   Dr. A.C. Pugh                     
            Dr. A.N. Fairbairn                 Professor P.H. Roberts (ab)       
            Professor J.P. Feather             Sir Denis Rooke                   
            Mr. G.P. Fothergill                Professor M. Shaw                 
            Dr. M. Gilbert                     Mr. M. Shuker (ab)                
            Mr. S.J. Gorton                    Ven. I. Stanes                    
            Dr. J.K. Green                     Mrs. C. Stephens (ab)             
            Professor N.A. Halliwell           Mrs. J.A.M. Strong (ab)           
            Mr. P.W. Harrisson (ab)            Mr. E. Waite (ab)                 
            Miss J.E.L. Harvatt (ab)           Professor D.J. Wallace            
            Dr. R.A. Haskins                   Professor C. Williams             
            Dr. T. Higgins                     Ms. J. Willmott                   
            Professor J.R. Hough                                                    
            By invitation:  Professor H. Thomason                                   
            In attendance:  Dr. J.E.M. Elliott                                      
                            Dr. D.E. Fletcher                                       
                            Ms. E.A. Howarth                                        
                            Mr. H.M. Pearson                                        

Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Harrisson, Miss Harvatt, Professor Hutchinson, Mr Moghal, Professor Roberts, Mr Shuker and Mrs. Stephens.

97/83 Minutes

It was RESOLVED to confirm the Minutes of the 244th and 246th Meetings of the Council held on 16 July 1997 and 24 October 1997 respectively [COUN 97:M3, COUN97:M5].

97/84 Matters arising from the Minutes

Minute 97/78 - Council Membership

It was RESOLVED to confirm a Special Resolution for changes to Statute XIII.

97/85 The Chancellor

Council congratulated the Chancellor, Sir Denis Rooke, on his appointment as a member of the Order of Merit, following a distinguished career with British Gas and contributions to national life since his retirement including his position as Chancellor of the University. The Council and the University very much valued his support and advice and hoped this would continue for many more years to come.

97/86 Vice-Chancellor's Business

On behalf of Council, the Vice-Chancellor congratulated the Chair on being awarded an honorary degree from UMIST and on the award of the James Clayton Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
The International Olympic Committee President's Prize had this year been awarded to Dr Rod Thorpe, Director of the Centre for Sports Development, and Dr Sue Campbell, Chief Executive of the Youth Sport Trust, who would receive the award from the President in March 1998.
The Government had announced additional funding for Higher Education in 1998/99, which it was anticipated would contain the funding cut to no more than 1%. Funding in subsequent years would be dependent on the outcome of the Government's comprehensive funding review. Without additional funding the total cut from 1998/99 to 1999/2000 would approach 6%.
In recent Teaching Quality Assessments by the new Quality Assurance Agency in Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Drama , and Civil and Building Engineering, the University had achieved 22, 23, and 22 points respectively from a possible total of 24. In the six assessments to which the University has been subjected under the new procedure, the assessed areas of Curriculum Design, Content and Organisation and of Student Support and Guidance had consistently achieved the maximum mark of 4. An analysis of average scores achieved by other institutions showed the University to have the highest average save that of the Open University which achieved a maximum mark from only one assessment visit. These results were very encouraging and would prove valuable in terms of student recruitment both home and overseas.
An analysis of completion rates of research students funded by EPSRC showed the University to be third in terms of the least number of imposed sanctions as a percentage of total studentships, with only 4 students failing to complete within the Research Council's threshold of 4 years from a total of 21 studentships in 1997. The Research Council's sanction was to impose a clawing back of one studentship for every 4 research students not completing within 4 years.
New grants and contracts awarded in the first quarter of this year had reached £5.1M compared to £3M in the same period last year and £4.2M the previous year, which was very encouraging.
UCAS had not yet released interim figures on undergraduate applications. Leaked evidence at 28 November 1997 showed a national drop in applications of 8%, compared with a rise in the University's applications of 3%. Latest information suggested these figures to be 2% and 4.5% respectively. Applications to the Science Faculty were particularly buoyant, bucking the national trend. The University still faced the challenge, however, of converting applications to confirmed choices.
In response to questions on the promotional benefits to be gained from the positive developments reported, particularly in regard to .4 and .7 above, the Vice-Chancellor informed Council that the University's TQA position was being heavily promoted through the University's Web page and through a Press Release and promotional leaflets. It was suggested that for promotion purposes locally it would be useful to compare TQA results and undergraduate applications with other local universities.
A member drew attention to a newspaper report of increasing drop-out rates, due primarily to students finding their subjects, particularly Engineering and Medicine, too difficult. Council was informed that the University's withdrawal rate was less than 5%, with the largest single reason being financial hardship and few students withdrawing for academic reasons. It was suggested that this was an additional factor which the University should be promoting.
A member reported on adverse comments he had received on the external colour scheme of the new Business School/Economics Building. Council was informed that the design of the building, including the colour scheme, had been very carefully considered. The interior of the building was particularly well designed, the concept incorporating the exterior colours. There had been many complimentary comments on the building and whilst the colours were by necessity quite sharp at this stage, they would tone down. It was suggested that any further comment on the building should await the completion of the building and the landscaping of the site. In terms of finance for the building, the project was being funded by the University's reserves. The raising of external funds was not proving easy, though there was some hope of external funds for IT activities in the building and most of the VAT on the building amounting to approximately £600K had been recovered. As a result of the improved facilities the Business School should be able to generate increased revenue through outside activities and particularly self-financing courses.

97/87 Statement of Accounts [COUN97-P53]

Council received the University Accounts for the year ended 31 July 1997, together with the comments of the Treasurer's Committee and the Financial Statistics for 1996-97. The Treasurer reported on the thoroughly professional work of the new auditors and the joint meeting that had been held with the auditors and members of both the Treasurer's Committee and Audit Committee. The Bursar and Finance Officer highlighted the statement on Corporate Governance and the report thereon by the auditors, and the compliance of the Accounts with the Statement of Recommended Practice for accounting in UK HE institutions and the HEFCE's Accounts Direction.
The Treasurer and the Bursar and Finance Officer then reported on the key statements in the Accounts. No one statement revealed the financial state of the University on its own. The amount receivable from HEFCE went down in cash terms and whilst there were accounting technicalities behind this reduction, the squeeze on the University's funding was clearly illustrated. No compensation was received for increased costs. Income from research grants and contracts increased marginally, but other areas showed welcome growth. Staff costs rose significantly, although this was partly offset by a reduction in other operating expenses as more staff were given contracts of employment instead of working on a casual basis. The significant increase in depreciation resulted partly from a change in accounting policy in recent years and from growth of the building programme.
The surplus for the year, whilst reassuring, did not represent an operating surplus. Factors leading to its increase in presentational terms included the requirement to treat donated equipment as income without deferral, a tighter policy of provision for long-term maintenance and the outstanding performance of subsidiary companies. The Treasurer expressed his view that the University should seek to achieve 3-5% of real surplus on its ordinary income. The University's capital reserve was effectively invested in buildings, whose market value was difficult to ascertain. Net current assets declined slightly as money was used up on the building programme. Future new buildings could be funded from reserves or from loans. If from reserves there should be a clear plan of how to replenish the reserves and avoid their depletion over the long term. Council had set the target, contained within the University's Strategic Plan, that reserves should not fall below £10.5M, adjusted annually for inflation.
The cash-flow statement showed a net cash out-flow of £1.3M, the major cause being a technical accounting change resulting from a new accounting standard for cash-flow statements. The out-flow was well within the University's capacity to sustain but there would be the challenge of the Engineering building project to meet. Yorkshire Bank plc, to which the University had last year moved its debt on very good terms, had agreed to provide additional loans to assist with that project.
Attention was drawn to the substantial increase in research funding from industry and commerce and the achievement of the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering and Transport Studies in achieving the highest external earnings.
In response to questions from members, it was reported that the management of liquid resources as shown in the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement represented current assets affected by the BES scheme and offset by in-flow from the scheme. Interest payable by Residences, Catering and Conferences in Note 8 was on money borrowed to build new Halls of Residence in the early 1990s.
A member welcomed the move away from casualisation of staff and hoped for a move towards permanent rather than temporary contracts which would ensure a more committed workforce. It was noted that though staffing costs had increased pension costs were down. This had resulted from a reduction in the employer's contribution following an actuarial evaluation.
The importance of long-term maintenance provision was highlighted. Annual allocations were felt to be inappropriate where large expenditure might be concentrated in one year. A fresh accounting standard on long-term maintenance provision was expected and such provision was likely not to be possible.
Council RESOLVED to approve the adoption of the Accounts.

97/88 United Kingdom Sports Institute (formerly British Academy of Sport)

The Vice-Chancellor reported that the Midlands Consortium had not been successful in its bid and the UK Sports Institute had been awarded to Sheffield. The Consortium bid had recently been reshaped following new advice, but the advice had not made clear that a `cohesive' bid should relate to a single site. The University was developing its fall-back position to take the University forward and retain its position as the premier University for sport, building on its excellent staff and link with major sports bodies. The University would need to continue to invest in sport, including coaches and an increase in sports scholarships, and in the infrastructure to retain the ability to attract international athletes. Support was still being sought for a new swimming pool and gymnastics centre through lottery bids, which may require a £2M capital input from the University. Charnwood Borough Council had been alerted that the University remained interested in the Garendon Estate for these potential new developments.
On behalf of Council the Chair thanked the Vice-Chancellor and Professor Williams and other colleagues for their tremendous efforts in pursuing this opportunity. The University would not be deterred by this disappointment.

97/89 Estates Strategy Update [COUN97-P54]

Council considered a paper from the Bursar and Finance Officer. The Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor reported that the Engineering project was now ready to seek planning permission and was being finalised with a value engineering exercise which it was hoped would be completed in January. Firmer proposals would then come forward. The project had been particularly complicated, involving the integration of the six Departments in the Engineering Faculty.
A member highlighted the need to ensure the maximum use of existing space, and was assured that much attention had already been paid to this. In response to a query as to whether the University had the services of a landscape consultant, the Vice-Chancellor informed Council that the University had an independent and very active Campus Development Consultant to ensure that the campus developed coherently. It was suggested that Professor Hutchinson, member of Council and Past President of RIBA, should also be consulted on such matters.

97/90 Membership of Council and its Committees [COUN97-P55]

Further to Minute 97/79 of the 246th Meeting, it was RESOLVED to approve the appointments of Mr G P Fothergill to the vacancy on the Careers Advisory Board and Mr J B C Blood to the vacancy on the Academic and Related Staff Negotiating Sub-Committee.
It was RESOLVED to approve nominations by the Students' Union to membership of Council and its Committees and Joint Committees with Senate.

97/91 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee [COUN97-P56]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by the Health, Safety and Environmental Committee at its 68th meeting on 13 November 1997:

97/92 Resources and Planning Committee [COUN97-P57, P58]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendation referred by the Resources and Planning Committee at its 100th meeting on 7 November 1997:
Part-time UK/EU Tuition Fees 1998/99

It was RESOLVED to ratify Chair's action in approving, on behalf of Council:
Tuition Fees for 1997/98

97/93 Senate [COUN97-P59]

It was RESOLVED to approve the following recommendations referred by Senate at its 316th meeting on 26 November 1997:

(a) BSc in Mathematics and Accounting and Financial Management, new programme from 1998/99

(b) MSc in Retail Automotive Management (self-financing), new programme from 1997/98

(c) Professional Certificate/Diploma in Management (for Ford Dealership employees: self-financing), new programme from 1997/98

(d) MBA in Sport and Leisure Management (self-financing), new programme from 1998/99

(e) MBA in Information and Library Management (self-financing), revised programme from 1998/99

(f) BA in European Business, change in title to International Business from the October 1999 intake

(g) BA in English and Drama, discontinuation from June 1997

(h) Award of Diploma in Professional Studies rather than Diploma in Industrial Studies to Business School students on placement in 1997/98 and thereafter

(i) Ordinance XIX - Amendment

(j) Research and Development Centre for Career Information and Guidance - Establishment

97/94 Student Grievance Committee

In fulfilment of the requirements of Ordinance XXXVIII, established at the 229th meeting of Council on 29 March 1995, it was RESOLVED to appoint the following members to the Student Grievance Committee for 1997-98:
Members:    Mr H Barber                     Alternate Members:    Dr N Fairbairn        
            Dr M Bell                                             Mr J R Hinds          
            Dr T Higgins (Chair)                                  Mr D Howes            
            Mr H E Jones                                          Professor P H Roberts               
            Mr A Newton                                           Ven. I Stanes         

97/95 Honorary Degrees [COUN97-P60]

Pursuant Statute XVIII, on the recommendation of Senate and with the advice of the Honorary Degrees Committee, it was RESOLVED to approve the issuing of invitations to persons to receive honorary degrees at Degree Congregations to be held in 1998.

97/96 Common Seal [COUN97-P61]

It was RESOLVED to ratify the action of the Registrar in affixing the University Seal to the documents listed.

97/97 Chair of Council [COUN97-P62]

Council noted the position.

97/98 LCAD: Joint Steering Committee Report [COUN97-P63]

Council received a report of the Joint Steering Committee.

97/99 Annual Report of the Alumni Office [COUN97-P64]

Council received the Report of the Alumni Office for 1997.

97/100 Reports of Committees [COUN97-P65]

Council received reports of the following committees:

(i) Audit Committee of 23 October 1997

(ii) Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 13 November 1997

(iii) Residential and Catering Services Committee of 30 September 1997

(iv) Treasurer's Committee of 27 November 1997

(v) Information Services Committee of 17 October 1997

(vi) Research Committee of 30 October 1997

(vii) Resources and Planning Committee of 7 November 1997

(viii) Student Services Committee of 12 November 1997

(ix) Senate of 26 November 1997

With reference to the report of the Health, Safety and Environmental Committee in regard to Cyclists on Campus, a member expressed his concern at the number of cyclists on campus riding without lights and the great danger to which everyone was exposed from this. There was the need for stronger action against such cyclists than had been proposed by Health, Safety and Environmental Committee. Council was informed that during discussions with LSU the University's Security Manager had declared his intention to issue a fine of £10 to cyclists riding without lights at night, following advance warning of this new sanction. Council considered this to be an appropriate move towards controlling this serious problem and requested that the Health, Safety and Environmental Committee consider the development of a stronger policy to enforce the use of lights by cyclists at night.

97/101 Degree Congregations in Summer 1998

Council noted the dates of Degree Congregations to be held in Summer 1998 as follows:

97/102 Dates of Future Meetings

(*Only if required: at least two weeks notice to be given)

Author - Dr J E M Elliott

Date - December 1997

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